
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Yoyo Club

I just recently attended The Yoyo Club. I was very nervous in going to this club because I had no idea what it was going to be like. I had put it off for a couple weeks now but I finally built up the courage to go, and I am very happy that I did. I was expecting there to be a lot of people there of all different skill levels but only a couple people showed up. I had watched videos of people yoyoing but I had never seen good yoyoing first hand before. I was very impressed with the skill level some of these people had, it was mind blowing to watch. It also encouraged me to keep it up because it is possible to get better. I asked questions and they were very open to helping me out and answering my questions. My hope is to attend this club whenever they meet and ask more questions about the troubles I'm having and progress faster than I have been. All together I am very happy that I went to The Yoyo Club, talked about my project with them, and learned what I needed to progress.

Monday, April 21, 2014

"The Bow Tie" and "Rock the Baby"

Here is a video as suggested of the first two tricks I have learnt. The tricks themselves were not very difficult to learn but learning the bind as mentioned in my last post was the trick. Once I learned the bind, these tricks were easier to do. The first trick in the video is The Bow Tie, and the second trick is Rock the Baby. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Progress/The Basics

I am now a couple weeks into this project, I can't say I have been progressing at the steady pace I would want to be but I have made some improvement. I started off in the Beginner Tricks such as the basic throw and walk the dog. I have now progressed into the 1A Yoyo Tricks in the Unresponsive Basics category. Most of these tricks require two types of throw, the basic throw, and the breakaway. I have been struggling with the breakaway throw for a while now and just can't get the hang of it. The breakaway is what you need for basically all of the tricks after this point. Once I learn this type of throw, my plan is to improve at a much faster pace.

I have an unresponsive yoyo, to those of you who don't know what that is, basically it just means that the yoyo itself won't come back to your hand automatically. Here is where you have to learn a bind. Binds are certain tricks that will get the yoyo to come back up to your hand, because it won't do it by itself. So far I have learned one bind, but there is many more to learn. A responsive yoyo on the other hand will automatically come back to your hand when you want it to. A basic flick of the wrist should usually get it up. The difference between the two is that in unresponsive yoyoing, you can do tricks that last longer and the yoyo will spin longer at the end of its axis. Also, with an unresponsive yoyo, you can do unresponsive and responsive tricks. But in responsive yoyoing, the yoyo does not spin as long and you can only do responsive tricks with it. By going from a responsive yoyo to an unresponsive yoyo, the only major difference is learning the binds. You also have to learn to control how long the yoyo spins for. If it spins too long at the end of the string, a bind will not work. That is why you have to kind of feel for how long it can spin and have the bind still work. The bind will not work with a loose spinning string. I still have trouble with this but it's been coming with practice.