In the next couple of months, I will be progressing in learning how to yoyo. Yoyoing has become huge in the last couple of years and I never knew how much there was to it. I was always interested in learning professional tricks and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. I get all of my information and new tricks from yoyotricks.com. The tutorial videos on the website and the information they have to give is very useful. I never knew how much there was in the yoyo industry until I visited this website. Since I first looked at this website, I have already learned a lot of information.
If you visit the website above, you will see there is so many different kinds of yoyo tricks and even different styles of yoyoing. I have been doing this for a couple weeks now and I have already gotten past beginner tricks and now I am on to 1A tricks. It starts with Beginner Tricks, then on to 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A Tricks. Yoyos can be very expensive, and certain styles of yoyoing require different yoyos. One of my goals is to make it to the 5A tricks, but still be able to use yoyos within a price limit. There is so many tricks out there to learn, on and off the website I use, but I also want to create my own tricks.
I usually just yoyo in my spare time, because it is not very hard to fit it into my schedule. I want to be able to learn a new trick every week or week and a half. Depending on the trick, I could possibly do more than one in that amount of time, but I am just estimating. Hopefully if I follow this schedule, I will approximately be able to learn 10-15 new tricks, but hopefully I can learn more.
1 Peter 4:10 says, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
Good opening post, Sarah. If you're still looking for another way to get involved in the yo-yo world and get some help learning, try the Winnipeg Yo-Yo Club. Local yo-yo club in Winnipeg Manitoba; they meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm at Newbridge Toy Shop, 1791 Main St. 204-219-1956. They are on Facebook, too.